The CFMIA will endeavour vigorously to -:
The CFMIA has been issued approval by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission under the "Rules governing use of Certification", to grant "Certification" status to members of the Finance Broking and Banking Sectors of the Australian Finance Industry.
Qualifying Brokers and Consultants will be able to carry "symbols of excellence" which will give them an edge over their competitors and demonstrate to consumers and peers their dedication to high standards in the provision of finance advice and service.
The CFMIA does not expect all Finance industry Brokers and Consultants will attain "Certification" status.
In fact, we believe only the most dedicated industry advisers will decide to undertake the program and update their knowledge and skill sets in order to lead the industry.
What matters to our organisation is the support we give to those that are committed to excellence in the provision of finance advice and service.
We are focused on our members and their needs.
This is our focus.
From a qualification perspective, Industry Brokers and Consultants need to have completed Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking and the ASQA approved Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management or Diploma of similar nature approved by the CFMIA Education Committee.
For those who have not completed the Diploma, they may achieve partial credit towards subjects encompassed in the Diploma by applying for "recognition of prior learning", with the RTO administering the Diploma course.
Once both Cert IV and the Diploma are successfully completed by a candidate, they may apply to the CFMIA Board to complete the "Advanced Certification Program in Commercial and Asset Finance".
Once the program is successfully completed, the candidate may apply to the CFMIA to be granted status as a "Certified Finance Broker", "CFB" for Broking, or "Certified Finance Consultant", "CFC" for Banking (Banking program commences in late 2023).
The Rules of Certification stipulate the other requirements needed to be granted Certification status.
Both programs have the same process in general.
The major difference between each designation is that the "Certified Finance Broker" designation is granted to those operating as Finance Brokers in the broking industry, whereas the "Certified Finance Consultant" designation applies to Finance Consultants operating in the Banking sector of the finance industry.
The CFMIA is currently working closely with members of the banking industry to finalise the Advanced Certificate Program in Commercial and Asset Finance course content ready for banking consultants which it aims to bring to the market in late 2023.
Brokers or Consultants wishing to move from one designation to the other due to a change of status may be granted approval by the education committee by completing the "Gap" program.
The CFMIA education committee is working hard at present with key industry members to design the gap program ready by late 2023.
The Rules of Certification requires the CFMIA to form an “Education Committee” which will be responsible for the assessment and approval of Certification Designation applications.
The Committee is made up of experienced Industry Finance Brokers and Consultants who together will be tasked with assessing applications for approval by the Board.
Holding Certification status in the Finance Industry "makes a statement" by our designates to existing and potential clientele, aggregators, and regulators.
It shows a dedication to Professionalism and the probability of a level a skill and knowledge significantly above the average broker and consultant.
It also shows a commitment to ethical conduct which is so important to all stakeholders in the finance arena.
Success today requires Industry Professionals stay a step ahead of their rivals.
The knowledge gained by our members in completing the advanced certificate program courses, and the ongoing support services made available by our mentor team, will help give our certified brokers and consultants a serious edge.
How do I enrol in the program?
What is the step-by-step process in achieving Certification?
What are the ongoing requirements to hold Certification status?
The annual fee for CFB certification is $440.00 per annum GST inclusive.
Michael Garland
MMGT (Mktg) B Bus (Banking and Finance) Dip FMBM JP (Qual)
20 years banking industry experience
10 years broking industry experience
Darryl Benn
Longstanding industry compliance and audit consultant
Industry advisor on regulatory and commercial finance matters
VET course developer for Cert IV and Diploma related financial services
Finance industry continuing professional development consultant
15 years industry experience finance broking
Greg Malone
20 years combined banking and broking experience
Completing his Master of Applied Finance with the University of NSW
Jodi Gelbart
BA LLB (Honours Degree) Cert IV MB Dip MBFS
11 years experience in banking
12 years experience in broking
Chris Booth
Bachelor of Science (BS) Honours Bachelor of Bus Admin/Management General
25 years banking experience
14 years broking experience
Graduate diploma of mortgage broking
Cert III TAE Workforce development and training
Graeme Porter
Dip FS (FMB) Cert IV CM Cert IV TAE JP
Banking and finance industry member since 1972
Commercial an asset finance consultant 13 years
Long standing Industry trainer and Mentor
Whether you are wanting to begin a career in finance, are an existing advisor or in administrative support, an employer looking to improve your business or compliance structure, the CFMIA has programs to help all succeed in the finance industry.